
Sunday, 11 September 2011

Pear and Apple Tarte Fine

This is my version of a tarte fine aux pommes.  I made this recently after my dad gave me a bag of apples from his garden - fruit from the apple trees he planted when my little sister and I were born.  It's really quick to make and could be adapted for pretty much any fruit you've got lying around - nectarines and blueberries is a nice combination.  I like it served cold the next day, when you can eat it like a sweet version of left-over pizza - great to find in the fridge in the morning and take to work for elevenses!

3 eating apples
3 pears
2 tbsp golden caster sugar
1 tsp cinnamon
½ tsp nutmeg
2 tbsp apricot jam
2 tbsp double cream
1 sheet (375g) ready-made puff pastry
2 tsp demerara sugar

  1. Pre-heat the oven to 200°C.
  2. Take the pastry out of the fridge and remove from its wrapper so it warms to room temperature.
  3. Peel and core the apples and pears, and slice into thin segments. 
  4. Place the sliced fruit in a bowl and sprinkle with caster sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg.  Cover with foil and set aside.
  5. In a small saucepan, gently warm up the apricot jam.  Once it’s become runny, remove from the heat and mix in the cream. 
  6. Lay the puff pastry out on a lined baking sheet.  Score a frame around the edge (about 1 inch wide) using a sharp knife, and prick the middle of the frame lightly with a fork.
  7. Use a pastry brush to paint the jam/ cream mixture onto the pastry within the frame.
  8. Lay the slices of fruit onto the jam-covered part of the pastry.  You can either do this in neat rows (alternating apple and pear slices), or just arrange the fruit on top. 
  9. If you want a shiny crispy edge, you can give the border of the pastry a wash with beaten egg or milk (but it’s not necessary).
  10. Sprinkle with demerara sugar and bake for 15 mins.
  11. Cut into slices and eat warm with custard, or refrigerate and eat cold the next day.

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