
Thursday, 24 January 2013

Snow ice cream

It's sad to think that all the snow will be gone in a day or two. Desperate to make the most of it before it does, I went searching on the internet for things to do. I've heard of snow dyeing, where you add coloured dyes to buckets of snow on top of fabric, and wondered if there were similar things to do that were edible. Then I found this recipe - instant ice cream made from fresh snow!  So I rushed into the garden with a couple of mixing bowls and scooped up the top layer of snow from the several inches worth covering our garden table.  Just add a little icing sugar, milk and vanilla and hey presto! Magic snow ice cream!

4 cups fresh snow
1/3 cup icing sugar
2/3 cup milk
½ tsp vanilla extract

  1. Fill a large mixing bowl with snow and then liberally sprinkle salt over it. This will be your “cooler” so the snow doesn’t melt while you’re mixing and serving the ice cream.
  2. Place a slightly smaller mixing bowl on top of the salted snow, and scoop 4 cups of fresh snow into it.
  3. Add the icing sugar, milk and vanilla and mix quickly with a large metal spoon.
  4. Serve immediately.

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